Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The New America

Everything I am about to say is what I expect the evidence to show. I will be brief.

The world was crippled by a deliberate attack, by China against the United States and NATO.


The circumstances under which school was cancelled in March have not changed. There is no vaccine. There is no cure. Children will go back to the infection zones, also known as schools, they will get COVID-19 and they will pass it along to teachers, parents and grandparents. A portion of those teachers, parents and grandparents will die. School isn't that important.

Everyone Who Can Work From Home Will

It is a well known fact to every employment lawyer and human resources representative that once an employee is allowed to work from home, he or she never comes back. In this situation, you cannot make anyone come sit in a cubicle. Let's assume for the sake of argument that a vaccine is ready and available in January of next year. Even flu vaccines are only 60% effective in a good year. This is a new virus altogether. We would be exceptionally lucky to achieve that the first time around. Face time in the office, hours in a schoolroom are just not worth it.

What This Pandemic Has Taught Us

Government is not very effective, and it is in fact so ineffective it is not necessary.  They take our money, indoctrinate our children, then lie to us.

Masks are ineffective. Oops, no, wait, everyone must wear a mask, because that stops the virus.

15 days to flatten the curve. Oops, no, wait, we mean 90 days. I mean 120. Wait, maybe a year.

What we know from our government: (1) beaches will kill you; (2) running in the park will kill you and your mom; (3) your job is not essential; (4) taxes are essential.

You have to go back to Caligula to find a more asinine, arbitrary form of government.

Speaking of Rome, I was reading  Edward Gibbon's "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" the other day. It's been on my re-read list for a decade. Rome was attacked and defeated in 410 A.D. The "barbarians," (literally where the word comes from, "Barbarian,") found Rome to be such a disgusting place that the king of the Visigoths, Alaric, ordered his people to leave. That's right, they thought living in tents in the cold northern forrest was preferable. Rome continued on until 476, another two generations. It then fell and the Dark Ages followed, along with many pandemics.

Rome fell. Just remember that.

Neville Chamberlain

Chamberlain is reviled in history as a wimp who let the Nazis rise to power. He was not. When he secured "peace in our time," he was buying time. He knew there was no way Britain could defeat the Nazi war machine. The same day he secured that "peace," he ordered that all factories convert to wartime production. No one knows that because we do not actually learn history anymore.

Chamberlain was right. We were not ready for war. Germany had far superior weapons, many more of them, and a manufacturing base capable of making them.

That should sound familiar.


China makes up more that a quarter of the world population. Not for long.

The morons that have been running our government and our military for the last 30 years failed to recognize the only real existential threat to America. Russia is weak, and as we know now, was always weak. Russia has devoted soldiers and heavy weaponry and they hate the Chinese. We probably should try to be their friends.

Russia? Russia?

Yes, Russia. You'd have to take a couple of Russian history classes to understand that Russians actually love America and Americans. Even during the Cold War. To put it crassly, they love American clothes, American women, American movies, American cigarettes, and if given the choice they would live here. They are also fierce soldiers.

China is preparing for war, and we are not ready for it. We can't defeat a bunch of dummies living in tents in the desert. China knows that.

Before you cancel me, my buddies who were there, including two captains, a colonel and an army scout sniper all agree. There was a young man I played golf with who I'm sure would also agree.  He died there, in Fallujah. In his first three months on active duty. He liked muscle cars and fixing engines. He loved girls, but he was absolutely terrible at telling them apart. There were too many. He had the longest drive I've ever seen. He is dead.

I digress.

My point is this, we need to be better at war. Much better. We can't just go send some guys in to control an area and then leave. We have to destroy the enemy. Trillions of dollars and, much much worse, tens of thousands of lives have been lost by not winning. Why? I think we need to ask that question as a nation.

China intends to conquer the world.They believe it is their birthright. They have spent thousands of years preparing to achieve this very goal. They must be convinced otherwise, or destroyed. The Bat virus is just the beginning. They will continue to unleash more and worse weapons to provide covering fire (metaphorical or real) while they advance into the rest of Asia, and then the West. Our manufacturing base does not need to be there. Our wealth does not need to be there.They don't need to be given the privilege of educating their next generation of totalitarian leaders in our Ivy League schools. It has to stop.

A Call to Action

We are in crisis, and we have leadership that is unwilling or unable to help us define that crisis. It is time to take matters into our own hands. Vote. But also arm yourselves and train. Get out off of the couch, put down the booze and get ready for what is coming next. Right now we are the proverbial frog in the pot of boiling water. Jump out of the pot, assume the worst, prepare and then act like Americans. Assume they are lying to you. Assume they are incompetent. This nation was born free. It is incumbent on all of us to keep it that way.