Friday, July 21, 2017

The Real Civil War

Justine Damon, a white suburban woman in Minneapolis, called the police to report what she thought was a rape in progress in an alley by her home. After two calls to 911 the police finally arrived. Ms. Damon approached the police cruiser in her pajamas, agitated, to tell the police what she heard. There was, apparently, a loud noise in the background, and a black police officer shot her through the window of his cruiser, killing her. The mayor of Minneapolis, Betsy Hodges, a liberal Democrat, demanded and received the resignation of her police chief, Janee Harteau, one of the first female police chiefs in the nation. Mayor Damon gave a press conference to announce her decision. 

If you haven't seen the video yet on Youtube, go look it up. Her press conference was loudly, effectively, but non-violently interrupted by a number of black men, who were protesting police violence. In the twenty minutes that followed, whites, blacks, and mixed forced her off the stage and took turns giving speeches and hugging each other, demanding she resign. They demanded reform of the police department and an end to "police violence." They demanded respect from the governors.

Across racial lines, socioeconomic lines, and even ideological lines, the government is under attack. Minneapolis is the perfect example. On a Friday night, during a public press conference, Americans in Minnesota loudly protested their government. They were not protesting Donald Trump. They were not protesting some conservative mayor with a stop and frisk policy. No. Black men and women, beside their white neighbors, were protesting a liberal mayor's failure to prevent the police shooting of a white suburban women. There could not be any more clear harbinger of doom to the ruling class.

Americans are done being ruled.

There is no amount of race bating or gender bating that will save the current governing class. To repurpose a phrase, resistance is futile. Bernie Sanders would very likely be President right now if the Democratic Establishment had not stolen the primary from him. Instead you get Donald Trump. Intelligent people still cannot see the similarities. Americans, whether disenfranchised black urban voters or disenfranchised white manufacturing workers are fed up. They have one, huge thing in common. Disenfranchisement. Desperation has a way of creating strong, unlikely coalitions. Put twenty people with totally different backgrounds and views in a foxhole against a common deadly threat and they will more likely than not point their rifles in the same direction. The Establishment and the legacy media still don't get this.

Donald Trump is not everyone's cup of tea. He is a poor messenger for a very important Anti-Establishment message. But, he is not a Russian spy. There is no longer any doubt in my mind that the political Establishment, the Elite, are doing everything they can to improperly supplant the will of the voters with their own will. Fine. But the Establishment is the minority, and as Mayor Hodges learned, they are so far outnumbered by the populous that they cannot even hold a press conference without the consent of the governed. 

And they do not have our consent. 

Free speech is scary. People yell. They say scary things. They appear agitated. They resist. But it is exactly that kind of speech that formed this nation. The story that this nation was founded by a group of gentlemen engaged in orderly, parliamentary debate is false. In fact, a bunch of loud, opinionated, treasonous men, from relatively diverse backgrounds, rebelled against an established political order that they saw as oppressive. And they weren't even the slaves.

Freedom is the natural state of man. Any meaningful encroachment on that natural state has, historically, resulted in rebellion. Rebellions that are successful are called revolutions. Rebellion is scary. Martin Luther King's non-violent rebellion against the racist political order was scary, even to the liberals of the time. Malcolm X was scary. Black Lives Matter is scary. Donald Trump is scary. Nationalism is scary. But this is what displacement of the established order looks like. When you have liberals, libertarians and conservatives all protesting government authority and power, you don't have rebellion - you have revolution. Understand it and reform, or be run over by it.

The real civil war is not between black and white or liberal vs. conservative. It is between ordinary Americans and the current established political order. We have given them too much power. We have made them too rich. We have subordinated our own futures and the futures of our children to their false promises of Utopia. There is no government Utopia. Freedom is as close as it gets and freedom means being left alone. As I've said before, no matter where you live, you wake up in the morning to your government regulated alarm clock, eat your government regulated breakfast, get in your government regulated car to drive down the government regulated road to your government regulated job. Suffice it to say, the rest of your day is government regulated. They even regulate the time the sun sets with my personal favorite, daylight savings time. Think about that. They regulate the time the sun sets. They record everywhere you go, everything you text and email, every phone number you call and every social media post you make. There is not a single speck of dirt in this nation where you can escape them, and most Americans work the first four months of the year just to pay their taxes. We are not free.

If you want to see rebellion turn to revolution, impeach Trump. Go after his family. Prosecute them. In Pretend World, there is this idea that Donald Trump will somehow leave office humiliated and ashamed; that this shameless man will suddenly see the error of his ways and just go away, or that the Establishment will triumphantly remove him using legal means. 

That will mean war to at least half of the 65.8 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump. To put that into perspective, that is 200,000 more people than live in the entire United Kingdom. It is almost exactly one million people fewer than live in all of France. 

It is thirty times more people than are employed by the entire federal government. It is roughly 40 times more than all active service military servicemen and women. 

Probably, this enormous disparity in numbers between the governors and the governed has been the reason true democracy tends to work better than other forms of government. If just a small cross-section of the population feels disenfranchised, left behind or marginalized, the governors find themselves outnumbered by huge margins by the filthy, angry masses. Populism is not the problem, it is the result.

There is a true Constitutional crisis coming. It will be historic, and it will define our nation for a century. Donald Trump will not resign. That is fantasy. He will either move to dismantle the opposition forces against him or the government will remove him from office. Regardless of who initiates it, it will be a crisis. It will be one crisis among the many foreign policy and domestic crises we are facing now. In a free republic, minorities with a powerful moral message can change public opinion and shape history, like Martin Luther King. Removing Donald Trump from office is not even close to a comparable moral cause and those who believe it is lack perspective. In fact, it is an insult to the many worthy and desperate civil rights causes of our day. 

Contrary to the narrative we are being fed by those in power, our nation is actually united. Without regard to race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or socio-econminc status, Americans are fed up with authority. We are done being ruled, and I would strongly suggest getting out of the way before being run over. 

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