Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Truth and Chaos

It is usually the case that the established order of things is disrupted by unmitigated truth. Going back to the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson penned: "We hold these truths to be self evident." Jefferson, a great philosopher in his own right, likely knew that, in fact, all truth is self evident. It is only in our modern, deconstructionist world that we can be convinced that truth is relative or that "truth is in the eye of the beholder." No, it's not. The truth is the one thing that  has historically liberated us from the yoke of slavery, feudalism, and now the global political elites, bent on ruling the world like some evil character in a James Bond movie.

Bernie Sanders told the truth. He had his opinions, but he told the truth. So did Donald Trump. The truth is, we are ruled like serfs by a tiny handful of political and financial elites, who have only  personal aggrandizement as their goal. And, rather than use merit and hard work to reach their goals, they choose instead to do it on the backs of others. There is, of course, nothing repugnant to them about stepping on the backs of the serfs, doomed to forever grow their food and fight their wars. To our masters, "justice" is a powerful word synonymous with "placation," "pacification," and "illusion." "Equality" means equality for everyone else but them, and the "truth" is whatever they say it is.

The last three months have been remarkable in global history. ISIS has succeeded in inflicting serious damage on western targets using very little in the way of weaponry. The elites, unable to resist using a crisis to their advantage, demanded that the serfs disarm. After all, you are only entitled to protect yourself if your master allows it. Serfs don't need guns. We are not important, like Hillary Clinton is. Only she and her elite friends need to be surrounded by guns. Only they have the right to protect themselves.

Also in the last three months, Secretary Clinton managed to escape indictment on a series of charges that she mishandled classified information. The Justice Department let her go, arguing that her violation of the law was merely "technical," and that she did not "intend" to make the nation vulnerable. Of course, there is no "intent" required under the statute. The FBI director and the Attorney General just unilaterally changed the law to read in an intent requirement. Why? Because the masters are superior to the serfs. Justice is merely an illusion. Brown nosing journalists agree; the queen must be saved. Long live the Queen! Without the queen, they can no longer peddle influence and keep their own larger crumbs, thrown to them like dogs begging at the dinner table.

Were that not enough, hackers have now disclosed (through the liberal darling Julian Assange and Wikileaks) that the Democratic National Committee, working with Hillary Clinton, conspired to defeat Bernie Sanders and his populist followers through dishonest means. The emails hacked show an embarrassing level of self-importance and an unscrupulous campaign to marginalize him and his followers. They planned on attacking him as a Jew in the South. They planned on attacking him as an Atheist in the MidWest. They planned to question his sanity and his mental health. Basically, the politically correct world they've constructed for us simply does not apply to them. Why should it? They are the masters, we are the serfs.

In 1789, French peasants with pitchforks began to over run their feudal estates in what would become known as The Great Fear. Although there is much confusion among witnesses and historical accounts, it appears that a rumor of impending martial law sparked a wave of fear in peasants, who all knew they and their families would be killed. On July 14, 1789, the peasants overran the Bastille, which was an armory used to imprison political dissenters, store grain and store guns. The French Lords were so frightened by the sudden loss of everything they had so viciously taken, that the puppet National Assembly abolished the Feudal Regime and passed the "Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen." Similar to our Bill of Rights, the regime set out to once again placate the masses with the illusion of justice and equality. The ruse did not last. By 1793, the former serfs (le tiers-etat) began the so called "Reign of Terror," in which masters and noblemen were simply dragged into the streets and beheaded under the dull blade of the guillotine. 

Hillary Clinton, the Bushes, the Romneys, and the rest of these self-serving elites are fortunate that it is not 1789. That said, they still need to be very careful. They can still have everything they hold dear taken from them by peaceful revolution. If Trump wins, Hillary will go to jail. Bill might too. The spontaneous, lock-step chants of "lock her up," at the RNC surprised even her. Even a seasoned elitist, who is sheltered by wealth and power, can sometimes feel a little fear that the masses might some day lock her up.

And this is what they fear. This is what they've feared all along in this election. They fear Donald Trump, who could care less about the political elite, riding a revolution of angry serfs right to the White House. They certainly feared Bernie Sanders, a plain speaking populist hero who routinely declares the greatest call to action anyone has seen. They are trying to destroy both men and the reason is obvious. We the people must not be allowed to storm the Bastille and take away all of their power, money and influence. Their lives will have been meaningless without those things. The Bastille must be protected and the crowd must be ordered back to their lands to make grain for their natural superiors. 

I, however, refuse to be a serf. What about you?

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