Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Republican Insider Elites Finally Drink Their Hemlocks As Hillary's Emails Kill A "Friend"

You couldn't make up a more fitting end to the Republican Establishment Elite than what is currently taking place. Dozens, if not hundreds, of old guard Establishment Republicrats are racing to the fields to hang themselves before the American public. For a year now, we've heard that Trump is "not a true conservative," and "not even a Republican." Yet, it is the liberal Republicans who are screaming mea culpa in the streets. After watching for a year as the party switches sides like a predictable version of Iago, I have to say, I'm glad to hear them scream.

The "Never Trump" movement is based on the idea that he is unfit for command. Now, putting aside the fact that he has never been in command outside of the private sector, a vote against Trump is a vote for Hillary Clinton. If you are still willing to allow Hillary Clinton to get elected after news broke this week that she very likely got a spy killed in Iran, you should reconsider your position.

This week, on the heels of a $400 million cash for hostages trade, Iran announced that it hanged Shahram Amiri. Mr Amiri was an Iranian nuclear scientist who was, in all likelihood, placed deep inside Iran's nuclear program as a spy. (The Obama Administration failed to secure his release with their $400 million). Mr. Amiri is now dead, and the question is, after being hailed as a hero by Iran, what changed? 

We know what changed. Hillary Clinton and her various foolish staffers outed Mr. Amiri as "our friend" in unsecured email communications running through her unsecured server. She discussed his placement, what he may know, and his identity.

Scooter Libby went to jail during the Bush administration for allegedly outing Valerie Plame as a CIA agent, a fact that was common knowledge in the cocktail circuit in Washington. Other Republican elites, like Karl Rove nearly went to jail with him. Secretary Clinton not only discussed his mission in unsecured communications that the FBI assumes were intercepted, but she revealed his identity. If we were to assume, as the FBI does, that these communications were intercepted and used by foreign powers, like Iran, then Hillary Clinton's "recklessness" has now led to its first known casualty. It is likely one of many casualties to come, and one of many that have already happened that we simply don't know about.

So, yeah, vote for her George Will. Let her become President, Erik Erickson. Trust her with your national secrets Michael Chertoff. See if she keeps us safe, Susan Collins. 

The American people are neither stupid nor fooled. Donald Trump won more votes than any other candidate in the history of the Republican primary, and he had 15 other opponents. Had it just been him and, say, Jeb Bush, his margin of victory would have been legion. The fact that these party insiders can't make up their minds about whether he is "too liberal" or "too conservative" tells you all you need to know. It's not about ideology. It's about them. It's about their own power and preserving their own influence. And for putting their own personal interests ahead of those of their nation, they deserve to be held up to ridicule as their "consciences" will not support Trump, but instead allow a corrupt female version of Dr. No to hold her finger over the button.

The Republican Party chose Trump. They forced him to sign a loyalty pledge, even if they never intended to honor it themselves. They were terrified that he would form a third party and defeat Jeb Bush the same way Jeb's father was defeated by Ross Perot. Now, when forced to choose between two deeply flawed candidates, they would have you believe that they cannot in good conscience choose the person who says stupid things over the person who does stupid things.

We will likely never know what other leaked state secrets have now been used to harm our nation or to execute spies. As Secretary of State, she had access to the most critical information, all of which passed through an unsecured server in her basement. The fact that it cannot be proven is of no real concern to a reasonable person. A poor outcome can be presumed from reckless conduct. Her conduct has now cost another life. She is unfit for command.

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