Tuesday, August 4, 2020


In the prelude to World War II, there were negotiations, embargoes, sanctions, all the mess. I am sorry to post this blog, and I know I haven't written for awhile. Take it for what it's worth. But take it.

I will be short. I used to not be, but now I am. Comment if you want to add.

China wants to rule the world. Nope. Yes they do. Read their history.  I have. Have you?

China makes up one quarter of the of the world's population. For now.

Corona was not unleashed on the world by some guy selling bat meat in a deli exactly 3 miles from a biological weapons site.

If I really need to say it, which apparently I do, this was an attack, on the western world by China. They unleashed a virus that just happens to kill those who they see as worthless in their own society, but then also cripples the world. The Chinese hate hate old people. Of course they do. This is communism at its apex. They also believe, like the Japanese did, that their civilization (as they know it) can't end. There is a huge "oops" coming next.

Why? Because we are already at war, and the moment Americans  realize that en masse, we will exterminate the enemy. So not to be confused, they intend to exterminate us.

I don't write much anymore. I'm too scared what my clients or friends might think. So i'm scared. Here's what comes next. War.

China didn't accidentally release a pandemic on the world. There are only three possibilities. They are incompetent, they have a bunch of incompetent people around them, or it was an attack. I could spend the next three days of my life explaining to you why this was an attack, but really, if you don't get it yet you won't. Shelter in place.

For everyone else who isn't an idiot and knows this was an attack, the question is the response. Hitler had to be ended.  He had to be killed. Is Xi Jinping Hitler? Nope. He's too stupid and has almost no sense of his own strategic importance, or lack thereof. The Chinese Communist Party will kill him the minute they find him useless, which basically is now.

Here is what we know for sure. A virus  came from China. Probably not from bat soup. Xi is a dictator. He has killed millions of humans. China's bat soup or whatever virus has crippled the world. China has made major gains off of western business over he last 20 years. They will not get that business going forward. That will make them mad. They will act out. They will go to war. We will fight back. They will use some fancy weapon. We will die. We will also end their civilization. Six thousand years of China. Poof. Gone.

Like I said. I don't much like writing anymore at all. This one I had to. Get your guns, ammo, food, water and shelter. It's coming. 

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