Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Potomac Two Step

There are only a few times in American history where an American President witnessed a complete collapse of his administration and abandonment from his party. This is one of those very rare events. Leon Panetta, among others, has taken to the Washington talk show circuit, using every mean at his disposal to inform the American public that President Obama shouldn't be President. Panetta has agreed in interviews that Mr. Obama misled the public on terrorism and Benghazi, that he is indecisive, and that he lacks the courage to "get into the ring" with America's enemies.

Secretary Panetta is a lion in the Democratic Party. He served in the Congress, he served as Bill Clinton's Chief of Staff, President Obama's Defense Secretary and the head of the CIA. His resume is among the most polished in Washington. When he says you're not up to the job, you're not up to the job. While I have strongly disagreed with his politics over the years, I have no doubt that he is a patriot, reasonably competent, and generally acting in the best interests of the nation.

Which should cause every American to worry. He has informed us, from an insider's perspective, that President Obama is basically not up to the job, and that high impact events are on the horizon. Whether it's ISIS, Ebola, Russia or China, Secretary Panetta is handing out failing grades to the administration and warning Americans of the threats to come.

But therein lies the problem. Leon Panetta and many other measured, competent Democrats, lent their credibility to a man who obviously was not going to get the job done. He stood on a platform and vouched for President Obama, the very man he now accuses of being unwilling to "get into the ring" with the likes of ISIS. Translation: Obama is not very tough. Obama is not a fighter. Obama is weak.

Our nation would be much, much stronger if men and women of measured conviction, especially those in power, would act to ensure that our best leaders really are the ones that get the job. A competent government can still govern from an idealogical standpoint, but ideology does not always have to be the first consideration, particularly in a crisis.

I have little patience for men like Panetta, notwithstanding my general respect for his service to our country. In the final analysis, Panetta and his ilk were the enablers that allowed President Obama to stand on false credibility. They encouraged him to pursue his agenda, knowing that his agenda would lead the country to exactly this position. Only now that it is a fait accompli do they speak. True leadership never cowers from the harsh realities we face. True leaders tell the truth, unvarnished, and at a time when the information is still useful in the decision making process. Six years into a presidency, that even the Democrats see as a failure, is too late.

And we are now at the mercy of fate.

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