Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Among the "Stupid Americans," Jonathan Gruber is the Stupidest.

As the proponents of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) run for cover, one of the chief architects of the law, Jonathan Gruber, continues his campaign of friendly fire against the Democrats. In case you missed it, Mr. Gruber was recorded giving lectures on more than a dozen occasions in which he revealed that the ACA was drafted in a deliberately vague way so as to fool the "stupid American voters." In these videos, which you can easily find on youtube, Mr. Gruber lectures Ivy League students about how the law was drafted and passed. In the course of these lectures, he cannot contain his contempt for the American public and what, in his eyes, is their relative lack of sophistication. He waxes poetic about how he and his counterparts in the Administration used subterfuge and deceit to obfuscate the real purpose and cost of the bill. He then repeats, over and over, as if it were some kind of mantra, that this was "only possible," because of the "stupidity" of the American voter. "If they had known what was in it," he says, "it would never have passed."

Well, if we were to take as true Mr. Gruber's pronouncement that American voters are stupid, then Mr. Gruber is the stupidest, and his statements conclusively demonstrate a fundamental misunderstanding about how our republic works.

You see, Mr. Gruber, the "stupid American voter" never voted on Obamacare. In fact, the people Mr. Gruber duped were the "professional" Congressmen and Senators who foolishly took his representations as true, who never read the bill, and who traded political favors for votes. Moreover, the first chance the American voters had to vote on Obamacare, it resulted in a "wave election" against the Democratic Party. The "stupid American voter" Mr. Gruber is so fond of mocking actually threw his party out of office because of Obamacare and the way it was passed. The law has never enjoyed anything even approaching a majority of support from the "stupid American voters," and it has continued to be an albatross around the necks of Democrats in every subsequent election.

This is exactly why the average American hates politics and politicians. Ivory tower, Ivy League elites, feathering their nests with taxpayer money, run around Washington deceiving our ridiculously gullible elected officials into passing bad laws. To add insult to injury, they call us "stupid" and "too stupid," and "rubes" and whatever else. They insult our intelligence while they build their new homes with taxpayer money gained by admitted acts of fraud.

And then they can't even get the insult right. What Mr. Gruber meant to say is that the "stupid American Congressman" was easily deceived into voting for his scam. The "stupid American politician" is not going to ask any questions, and he knows this. They will simply "pass the bill so that we can see what's in it," to quote Nanci Pelosi, former Speaker of the House, and gullible victim of this fraud. At no point did the American people vote on Obamacare and, if they had, the "stupid American voters" would have defeated it.

Whatever Mr. Gruber paid for his Ivy League education, he should demand a refund. He can then take that money and repay the $3.2 million he pilfered from taxpayers in "consulting fees" while selling snake oil to our elected representatives. If there's any left, he should audit a few junior high school civics classes so he can learn how a republic actually works and possibly upgrade his mocking skills by watching the other children in the room.

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